Friday, July 4, 2008

Larry Sinclair Press conference

"Larry Sinclair held a meeting at the National Press Club to address his alleged gay relationship with Barack Obama, the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate, and answer questions from the Press. Larry Sinclair stated to the press that he and Barak Obama had gay sex while Obama smoked crack, not once but twice. Once in a limo and the next day in a hotel room. Sinclair stated that the murdered Donald Young, Obama's churches gay choir master told him, by phone, he also had sex with Barack Obama, before Young was murdered."
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Fatty Tuna said...

There are so many inconsistencies, half-truths and utter lies in this story that it is completely laughable. Mr. Sinclair has whored this story around several credible journalists, and every mainstream media personality is aware of it, and no one dare touch it. Sinclair and his supporters call it a conspiracy, but in actuality it's clearly because there is nothing to report, except the existence of another election year lunatic.

mainstreamuniverse said...

More so then drugs and gay sex, making allegations in connection to murder is rather serious. If he were to give false testimony to the police and the court he isn’t going to get off easy and with that I say “who benefits?”. I ask you this comment was rather quick, may I ask "is this true?":
mainstream media has no credibility and in my opinion either does Obama, or the other puppet